1)Semua pelajar yang menunggang dan membonceng motorsikal DIWAJIBKAN untuk memakai topi keledar

2)Latihan merentas desa pada setiap hari Selasa dan Rabu

3)Selamat Kembali ke sekolah buat semua warga SMK Felcra Bukit Kepong, Bersama Mencapai Kecemerlangan

4)Pelajar diingatkan untuk parkir motorsikal di dalam kawasan sekolah

Sunday 19 November 2017


Mesyuarat JKD Matematik Daerah Muar di SMK Lenga yang telah dihadiri oleh En Mohd Hafiez bin Tasilim dan Pn Ema Norazura bt Suliman.


    Dear Sir and Madam,
    We are Myanmar group in Malaysia; we lived in Malaysia over decade and always went to one of SAMNAK SAMBODHI Buddhist temple in Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong, Kuala Lumpur and we were very sad and regretting with the committees of temple because they are using our monks in wrong conception of Buddhist teaching or Buddhist rules. We came to temple to help our monks and respected of our religion.
    That temple is president of name: YIP KUM FOOK(lawyer), that our monks said and he is invited our monks from Myanmar to in charge of that temple but without pay anything to our monks, added he and his not respecting of our monks and sometime he ordered of his people to collected item such as paper, mineral water etc. without inform any words to our monks. In our religious believed we can’t take anything of holy place, if we done we are sin.
    In pervious, our monk said the committees always asked money from him, when our monks gave RM20,000.00 in cash on 2001 to the committees, then committees keep silent, later committees make problem with our monk again and cancelled of our monk Visa permit to stayed in Malaysia, then our monk, Sadayaw Nandiya) go to Australia and our monk not come that temple at long time. “YIP KUM FOOK gave our monk notebook computer for to cover of that amount of money our monk said”
    Many local people around temple said, now no more people come to this temple because committees is always make problem and we are heard from local people said: YIP KUM FOOK ordered of his people to put fire of Hindu temple at Taman Daya, Kepong because he needed that place to make his business about many years ago. “Everybody known what he done for Hindu temple at Taman Daya, Kepong”

    Last time also he invited police to arrest the monks at holy place(temple) and locked the temple without afraid and shameful of people because he believed committee is big and has more authority, also his son always says to people: this temple is belonging of his father. “This temple donated from public, we are work hard for this temple”

    This temple the committees always changed the monks, now they change the new monk to in charge of temple, this new monk also complaint the bad things of committees because committees also wait for donation box only, they without help anything to our monks. And committees controlled of our monks not to talk more or complaint more, our monks lived there as slaver and afraid of committees’ members.

    In new building where remaining of Buddha statue marble; we have renovation of Buddha statue because that Buddha statue is put very low, we lift to highest the committees don’t like and unhappy. In our country, anyone be able to come temple to worship the Buddha but in Malaysia is different temple controlling by committees.
    We hope everyone preserve of Buddhist teachings, and please safety of our monks, not see only money as this of temple. When we asked some of our people (Myanmar) and local people, the committees are very low of idea because is very narrow mind and without education of religions. And committees will not be disturbing of our monks, monks are like our father to take care of Buddhism and temple is like our place of resolving of our problem.

    Recently, our monk (Sadayaw Ashin Indaka original from Madalay, Myanmar) has been staying in this temple also unhappy because the committees are not pay anything to him, he is working in hardly to advise people and we also unhappy and very sad when heard the bad news from our monks. Sometime the committees people came and shouting in the temple without have any reason and done what they need to do, our monk said, the committees of this temple don’t have Buddhist teachings in their mind, may be next time Buddhist can destroy.
    From Myanmar Buddhist group in Malaysia but many word complaint by local Buddhist community in Malaysia.

    shared by MCA groups

  2. Thich Nhat Hanh, an influential Vietnamese monk Died at the age of 95

    The Zen religious organization Plum Village said the monk "passed away peacefully" at Tu Hiao Temple in Hue, Vietnam on Saturday.

    Thich Nhat Hanh, author and prolific peace activist often called "Father of Consciousness"

    On Twitter, his organization urged followers to follow Thich Nhat Hanh "in our hearts."

    Thich Nhat Hanh was deported from Vietnam in the 1960s after resisting the war.

    during the prosperous Vietnam War He meets with Martin Luther King to persuade civil rights leaders to speak out against the controversy

  3. Dalam dunia ini YIP KUM FOOK sangat bertuah kerana dia seorang peguam tidak perlu belajar undang-undang, juga tidak perlu pergi ke sekolah undang-undang, peguam lain perlu belajar undang-undang sehingga enam tahun untuk menjadi peguam penuh.

    YIP KUM FOOK adalah kawan baik saya dan dia seorang ahli perniagaan sebagai barangan perabot di Taman Daya, berhampiran dengan Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong dan juga dia seperti bermain politik, pada tahun 1990 dia menjadi pengerusi MCA di Taman Daya, Kepong…

    Kemudian, beliau menjadi presiden KUIL BUDDHA SAMNAK SAMBODHI, Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong pada tahun 1994 sesuatu dan beliau menolak presiden lama (Shia Kok Sun), kemudian beliau mengambil jawatan presiden ketika itu, yang semua orang tahu tentangnya, dalam apa yang berlaku. di SAMNAK SAMBODHI

    Dia nak jadi peguam sebab nak main politik, ramai ahli politik ada ijazah atau beransur-ansur dalam pendidikan, dan dia pun ikut orang apa yang dia ada, dia tak nampak diri dia datang, sekarang ramai yang tahu asal usul YIP KUM FOOK juga…..

    Ah Chin, Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong
    Translated by Dr. Chew

  4. DATUK YIP KUM FOOK is deceiving everyone, even his close friends he is deceiving like Mr. Steven, Ah Chia and others, he is a court case, many people are also suing him...he is a lawyer making is a shame, in Malaysia for having people like that

    Maybe the court of blind justice made him win some cases because some people say that.... only Malaysians in this world are lawyers sued by people. "We have never heard of people suing lawyers" maybe these lawyers are very low standard or maybe they don't know the words law, it is very pitiful and more pitiful

    This lawyer, maybe he has never read the internet and looked on the internet because he never knew how many people complained, commented and posted on the internet about him...we know he is from a low family and sells vegetables in the Market and he works such as furniture. ..Unfortunately

    There are very good people who from poor and become rich, plus (added) they are very good and kind people, also follow the teachings of the Buddha or the advice of some teachers in Buddhism, this is called a Noble One, his good karma will always support him, like Datuk Yip who wants to support him because his mind too dirty, even ghosts also run away from him

    From Alex Chan, Kepong
