1)Semua pelajar yang menunggang dan membonceng motorsikal DIWAJIBKAN untuk memakai topi keledar

2)Latihan merentas desa pada setiap hari Selasa dan Rabu

3)Selamat Kembali ke sekolah buat semua warga SMK Felcra Bukit Kepong, Bersama Mencapai Kecemerlangan

4)Pelajar diingatkan untuk parkir motorsikal di dalam kawasan sekolah

Saturday 18 November 2017




  1. Please share and forward to all friends

    We would like to inform everyone about YIP KUM FOOK, president of SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE, Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong, YIP KUM FOOK has never embarrassed people about him always lying, cheating, insulting Buddhist teachings, etc.

    Recently, many people talked about his character, before this he was a truck driver who sent furniture everywhere, then he studied law courses at several universities but we did not know he study courses or not because he did not know the law, he cheated people everywhere. and how lawyers can deceive people without fear of the law

    Hope everyone should care about this name YIP KUM FOOK (LAWYER OR MCA GOMBAK CHAIRMAN AND PRESIDENT OF SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE), also need to share and forward to all. If you make a mistake, you will lose everything, this man or YIP KUM FOOK is very dangerous and his son (YIP JIUN HANN) is also the most dangerous.


    Sila kongsi dan majukan kepada semua rakan-rakan

    Kami ingin memaklumkan kepada semua tentang YIP KUM FOOK, presiden KUIL BUDDHA SAMNAK SAMBODHI, Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong, YIP KUM FOOK tidak pernah memalukan orang ramai tentang beliau selalu berbohong, menipu, menghina ajaran Buddha, dll.

    Baru-baru ini ramai yang memperkatakan tentang perwatakannya, sebelum ini dia seorang pemandu lori yang menghantar perabot ke mana-mana, kemudian dia belajar kursus undang-undang di beberapa universiti tetapi kita tidak tahu dia belajar kursus atau tidak kerana dia tidak tahu undang-undang, dia menipu orang. dimana - mana. dan bagaimana peguam boleh menipu orang tanpa rasa takut pada undang-undang

    Harap semua orang harus mengambil berat tentang nama ini YIP KUM FOOK (PEGUAM ATAU MCA GOMBAK PENGERUSI DAN PRESIDEN KUIL BUDDHA SAMNAK SAMBODHI), juga perlu dikongsi dan dimajukan kepada semua. Jika tersilap langkah, anda akan kehilangan segala-galanya, lelaki atau YIP KUM FOOK ini sangat bahaya dan anaknya (YIP JIUN HANN) juga yang paling bahaya.


  2. YIP KUM FOOK menghancurkan Sangha kerana dia memaksa Sami Buddha keluar dari Kuil dan kemudian mengunci kuil, juga memanggil polis untuk menangkap Sami Buddha, juga menggunakan samseng untuk memusnahkan Sami Buddha

    Ramai yang menyamannya di mahkamah, seperti steven Lee (saudara selayang Mall), pasar burung(ah Choy) En Lim Sg. Buluh and etc. juga dia menipu duit Sami Myanmar (Ven. Nandiya) lebih kurang RM20,000.00 tak pernah bayar balik tapi masih tak tahu.

    Datuk (Yip Kum Fook) ini sangat teruk seperti binatang; semua orang kena titah apa-apa kepada Yang di-Pertuan Agong (Agong) kerana malu seluruh Malaysia bergelar Datuk, kita akan perutusan kepada sultan Selangor

    Oleh, lee kepong

  3. Datuk Yip Kum Fook is very stupid and very uneducated, and also a poor man because he was cheated of monk's money but soon he will suffer, his Kamma will come back to him in the near future, he doesn't know about the power of Buddhist monks....

    He likes to bad dirty to play with the Buddhist monks and he doesn't know that the monks are students of the great Buddhist teacher, also he can't erase what he did with the monks before...The Buddhist monks come to practice at the Temple but he call the police and gangsters to harass them until the monks have to leave the temple

    This man (Datuk Yip) may be doing illegal things because he is a businessperson as a furniture store in Taman Daya, Kepong only but some say he has a lot of property in the Kepong area, now many are slandering him in various ways. Hope this new government needs to know about him

    Maybe the property of the Temple is also his name because he did the documents for the temple, this man can't be trusted because his face is like a robber and like a thug...he took some Buddhist monks out of the temple until today, everything is not solved, why! Because Buddhist monks have their power

    My name is ah Keong and the first committee member of Samnak Sambodhi(Taman Desa Jaya), we started a Temple in Taman Ehsan, Kepong with our Master and hope to share this message to everyone in Malaysia

  4. DATUK YIP KUM FOOK will punish the great sin in Buddhism for destroying the sangha, he will not get away with what he did, his family and relatives will collapse in the future, no matter how many will suffer in a very hot hell, according to Buddhist teachings. .. He disturbs the Sangha as he opposes the teachings of Buddha

    Now he is 68 years old and how long he wants to get money, the money he cheated will be destroyed and he won't get money or when he dies and he can't be with him, the family behind will suffer with his karma forever…

    DATUK YIP KUM FOOK wants to show his face because he does not want to give up the position of temple president, suffering because of touching public property (temple), prayer (surau), church, Hindu temple, Buddhist temple as a public place for people to come and solve mental problems

    Temple Taman Desa jaya, Kepong will collapse because he and he did evil to Buddhist monks and other committee members...he my mind is dirty because he plays politics(MCA) outside and brings politics to pray inside the Temple, many people and his close friends suffered with him because MCA gave him power to do that (understood)

    And some Buddhist monks also took off their robes (resigned from being monks) because he or Datuk Yip Kum Fook invented a way to make Buddhist monks unable to stay in (samnak sambodhi, Taman Desa Jaya), so that all Buddhist monks could not stand. What happened, then the monk left (went) the Temple

    Next paper, we need to explain more about situations and happenings of our Buddhist, all messages for recording for the world of Buddhist to know in the future, THANK YOU AND SHARE IT

    From Ah Leong, Kepong

  5. This DATUK YIP KUM FOOK with his friends also cheated, and now he has no friends, people say, he is afraid to go out at night because he does badly with people, and he suffered a lot throughout his life, including many people who knew him well in internet

    Some thugs (Gangster) said that Datuk Yip Kum Fook never gave them money, there were many places where we did things for Datuk Yip but in the end there was no response for us, he even used the police (Taman Desa Jaya) to disturbed people

    This Datuk Yip Kum Fook will sleep in difficulty and he will die with his eyes open before dying he will cry to the people to help him and his team Simon Low Kok Meng is the same punishment
    Ms Cheong & Peggy, Kepong
